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July 25, 2024

How Yoga Can Be Good For You

Posted In: Fitness & Wellness

I entered the world of fitness because of my personal struggles with weight. I also experienced how good it can make you feel even during bad times. That’s why I encourage all types of exercise, including yoga. If it’s good for you, I want you to do it and be your healthiest. Yoga is one of those exercise forms that offers many benefits. It’s also complementary to gym and kettlebell training. It builds strength, flexibility, and endurance but in a different way. If you’ve exercised for a while, you may even recognize some poses as bodyweight exercises you’ve done at the gym.

Yoga can stretch muscles and help relieve chronic pain.

Increasing flexibility and strengthening muscles helps reduce chronic pain. It increases the range of motion and helps reduce joint pressure for people with arthritis. It builds core muscles to relieve back pain. Yoga is an exercise that doesn’t burn as many calories as other types of exercise. It does burn more than you would if you didn’t do it. It also builds muscles, which increases your metabolism. That helps with weight control. Excess weight can cause pain in the hips, knees, and ankles. It promotes improved posture, which also prevents back pain.

Doing yoga can reduce inflammation.

Inflammation is your body’s way of fighting invaders. It protects us when it’s acute. However, chronic inflammation is a killer that causes problems ranging from heart disease to arthritis, diabetes, and Crohn’s disease. Yoga can help reduce it. Studies show that the blood’s biochemical markers identifying inflammation are lower when people practice yoga.

You’ll improve your heart and bone health while reducing stress with yoga.

Yoga is more than just doing poses. It includes deep breathing exercises and stress control with meditation. Controlled breathing not only reduces stress. It also improves oxygenation. That makes the heart more efficient and reduces the effort it has to make. You’ll also get the same benefits as strength training and improved bone health. One study showed it reversed osteopenia which ultimately leads to osteoporosis.

  • When you reduce stress levels, you boost immunity. Like all exercises, yoga reduces stress. The breathing techniques and meditation add to the stress reduction. Studies show it helps reduce anxiety and depression.
  • You’ll improve your focus and think clearer when you’ve practiced yoga for a while. It boosts motivation, improves attention, and helps your brain function at a higher level.
  • Yoga can help boost your self-esteem. Anything that improves your posture and appearance can add to your self-esteem. Exercising is particularly good for that. You’ll get those benefits and the mental benefit of achieving a goal.
  • If you’re laser-focused on getting fit and tend to push yourself too hard, alternating your workout between yoga and the gym each week can help prevent burnout. Adding yoga complements traditional exercise programs.

For more information, contact us today at Prime Fitness Studio