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July 5, 2024

Get Ready To Be Fitter And Stronger

Posted In: Fitness & Wellness

It’s rewarding to watch the improvement of clients at Prime Fitness in Totowa, NJ, as they progress toward their goal to get fitter. It takes a while to notice the difference since the changes are incremental. One day, they run up the stairs without getting winded or pick up something heavy they couldn’t carry before and realize how much stronger they’ve become while understanding all the hard work was worthwhile.

Sometimes, weight loss is the goal.

The client’s goals determine what it means to get fitter. Weight loss goals are the easiest to measure and see results quicker. You can weigh yourself every week and take body measurements. You’ll see your weight drop consistently, but it won’t hit home until your clothing is so big you swim in it. You’ll also notice how much extra energy you have and how much easier it is to do things. Most people find the wonderful side-effect is as rewarding as the weight loss.

You’ll be more successful when you have a plan.

Planning means setting goals. To get fit, you must identify what that means to you. Maybe it’s having more endurance or being able to lift things you couldn’t before you started. It might mean toning your muscles to give you the beach body look or to feel better. Be precise when you create your goal. It’s your ultimate destination. If you don’t know where you want to go, how will you know when you get there? Determine how long it should take and break that trip down to daily drives. That’s true of fitness goals, except it’s determined by weeks, not days. Being specific and having a plan is vital for success.

You’ll be surprised at how your success will drive you to become even fitter.

It feels pretty amazing to achieve something big, like getting healthier. Most people love the energy they feel when they do. Maybe your goal was to walk a mile and a half a day in a half hour. One day, you realize it only took twenty-five minutes to walk that distance because your pace has increased. You’ve reached your goal, so do you stop, stick with the same goal, or increase the difficulty level? Most people extend the distance they walk in a half hour and continue to challenge themselves.

  • Getting fit should consistently be a challenge. If you push yourself, even slightly, and achieve that goal, you know you can take it to the next level, slowly making changes as you go.
  • Getting fit means more than just exercising. You have to make other healthy lifestyle changes. You can’t out-exercise a bad diet. Adequate sleep is also necessary to do your best. Look at all areas of your life and make changes.
  • A fitness program should consider your fitness level. If you’ve always been a couch potato, don’t attempt to keep up with someone who has always exercised.
  • Don’t worry about getting bulkier and looking like the Hulk, especially if you’re a woman. It takes a lot of specialized training for men to achieve that appearance. Due to hormones, it’s almost impossible for a woman.

For more information, contact us today at Prime Fitness Studio