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June 25, 2024

A Healthy Diet Is The Key To Fitness

Posted In: Fitness & Wellness

If you’re not consuming a healthy diet, you’re diminishing your efforts toward fitness. People in Totowa, NJ, understand that exercise and a healthy diet are necessary to achieve their goals. Whether your goal is improving your endurance, building strength, or losing weight, choosing the right foods makes a difference. Just as adequate sleep, exercise, regular hydration, and not abusing substances like illegal drugs, alcohol, or tobacco are part of a program of good health, diet is a cornerstone for it.

Including whole foods and avoiding highly processed food is the first rule of healthy eating.

All foods have some form of processing, even if it’s just washing. Unhealthy processing changes the food from its natural form to a Frankenstein food with more chemical additives than natural content. Whole foods are closest to their natural form. They are fruits and vegetables that may be cooked or frozen but have no chemical additives. Some of the healthiest whole foods are organic or pastured. Pastured animals produce products like meat, eggs, and milk that have more nutrients and are healthier than their commercially grown counterparts.

You can’t out-exercise a bad diet.

If you’re consuming a burger, fries, and a soft drink after working out, you’re eating more calories than you burned. That’s just one meal. You still have two others. Eating food that is high in nutrition and lower in calories boosts all fitness goals. The high nutrient content helps build muscles and improve endurance. The low calorie count helps lose weight. A burger and fries don’t provide the nutrition necessary. The calories in an order of large fries are equal to the calories in 240-string beans, 70 stalks of celery, or 12 large tomatoes, which provide far more nutrients, and are far more filling.

You need healthy fat, protein, and micronutrients.

A well-rounded diet provides all the macronutrients and micronutrients your body requires. It contains phytonutrients, many of which give plants their color. Anthocyanin gives blueberries their color. It also helps prevent cognitive decline, prevent cancer, improve vision, and lower cholesterol. Fruits and vegetables that are yellow provide the building blocks for vitamin A. You can’t get too much as you can if you take vitamin A capsules. Each fruit and vegetable color has something different to offer, and why you need a rainbow of colors on your plate.

  • A healthy source of protein provides the building blocks for muscles. It can come from animal sources that contain all essential amino acids or from plant sources that require combinations to get all of them.
  • You’ll never have to worry about excess pounds if you eat a balanced diet. It’s all about making smarter choices. Exchanging white rice for brown rice reduces calories and improves the nutritional profile.
  • If you cut out food with added sugar, you’ll feel more energetic within a week or two. Eliminating food with added sugar is the keystone of healthy eating.
  • Both exercise and a healthy diet have some pleasant side effects. You’ll look and feel years younger. Your skin and hair will improve. Both put a sparkle back in your eyes and pep in your step.

For more information, contact us today at Prime Fitness Studio